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Air Handling Units

Thermal’s T Series (Tubular Frame) of air handlers are constructed around a welded tubular frame. The flexibility of the tubular design lends itself to a rigid structural design with wide range of sizes and configurations. Tubular welded frame provides a customizable platform with an optimum balance in quality and value.

Thermal’s F Series (Formed Frame) air handlers are constructed around a unitized bolted frame. The flexibility of the design lends itself to a wide range of available sizes, configurations and ease of unit maintenance.

Thermal’s T² (TS) Series (Foam Panel) style of air handlers are constructed around a unitized aluminum frame and "true thermal break" foam panel. The flexibility of the foam panel design allows it to be shipped with minimal fasteners and completely knocked down for field assembly. This feature allows for retrofit applications where maximum section size is an issue.

Thermal’s CF Series (Classic Welded Frame) air handlers are constructed around a welded formed frame. This type of unit is built to last and is able to sustain high static pressure with minimum structural deflection. CF Series are available in wide range of sizes and configurations.